Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sorry, I Can't Go To Your Thing

I'm more depressed than Catherine Zeta-Jones with an empty bottle of Lithane over my current station in life.  But I don't need a stint at Trembling Hills….I got this blog to self-medicate.  Here, let me explain:

The Social Net-jerk

I gotta get off Facebook.  You singles, childless couples, gays and youngsters are bumming me out.

Believe you me:  I would LOVE to go to your concerts, art openings, skate jams, keg parties, film debuts and such and such.  But I can't.  You see, I am the proud parent of two wonderful children.  Who are slowly sucking the life out of me, one day at a time.

Now, I love you all.  I get all your private messages, invitations, emails, evites and phone calls about the latest cool thing going on this weekend.  But I won't be attending.  Being the parent of a newborn, I am serving prison time.  In my own house, to boot.  The only time off for good behavior I get is going to work (yes, work.  It's that bad) or maybe a meal at Friendly's. (On Wednesdays kids eat for $1.99!)

It's Not For Everyone
(Authors note:  Keep in mind I have the maturity level of a 17 year old, so take this next part with a grain of salt)

Now this section is for you younger folks who are on the fence about having kids.  You'll be at a party, work or some other social situation.  And some annoying older person says, "When are you going to have children?"  And they'll sugar coat it and make it seem like it's all rainbows, ice cream and free iPhones.  But I'm here to give you the straight poop.  And yes, there is a lot of poop.  And spit up.  And sleepless nights.  Back to the poop:  By my count, I drag about 60 pounds of dirty diapers to the curb each Monday morning.  I'm not kidding.   OK, let's move on.

So why would they sugar coat it?  My take on the whole this parenthood thing is that misery loves company.  These carpet shark custodians just want to suck you into their world of boogie wipes, play dates, and Coxackie Viruses.

Does life begin at conception?  That I don't know. But I can tell you life ends when your wife says she wants kids.  Get ready for sacrifice. They don't call them time burglars for nothing.  I would love to spend Sunday afternoon drinking beer on the couch and watching District 9.  Instead, I'm chasing a wild two year old all over the Maritime Aquarium and spreading wood chips around the backyard playground.

Hey Mr Career Man, you want to keep lighting the world on fire?  Nooooo way, Jose.  You can cancel that noise unless your idea of a good parenthood is that neglectful dad from the Harry Chapin song.

Years ago, I would hear older co-workers rattle off cliches like, "I remember when I was your age, I had that same go-get-em spirit.  Now I just want a paycheck."  12 years later, I'm that deflated guy.  (Except I don't listen to Frank Zappa or wear denim shirts.)

The Good Ol' Days, AKA 2010

Now when we just had one kid, I could still get away with *some* of my shenanigans.  I was skateboarding, going to shows, even making some short films and music videos.  But two kids?  Absolutely f*cking not.  All that fun just went out the window.  On the off chance I can break away (or "get a pass" as us defeated dads say), I'm too frigging tired.  I can't make it through a single sketch on SNL without passing out on the couch.  You think I'm going to get in a car and drive to Stamford?  And unless I can justify the shoot with an invoice, there's no more fun music videos or short films.

Now for those of you about to type, "Don't worry, it gets better."  Shut up!  There are no happy endings here at The Enforcer.  Massage parlors or otherwise.

So you purveyors of fun,  please take me off your mailing lists.  Don't bother inviting me to the big party.  I can't make it to your CD release concert, unless it's by chance it's children's music.  I am officially a sellout.  At least for the next few years.

But LIVE, dammit!  Live and post on Facebook so that I can vicariously experience your Caribbean vacations, pet anecdotes, your placing in the martial arts competition and your pictures of oversized diner food.  If anyone wants me, I'll be in the back yard landscaping.  Or writing this drivel, since I can't leave the house.

For those of you who read this and said, "What terrible thoughts!"  C'mon, it's me, Scott.  What were you expecting, something heartwarming?  And if you're just some random person who dropped in and were offended…shove off.  We don't serve your kind here.

PS-I saw the movie Bridesmaids this weekend.  It was funny and highly recommended.


  1. This is the funniest thing I have ever read!
    Also I can't help but think that some of the people you are talking about it me! I should now blog on my site, a rebuttal. As a single parentless person, I feel guilt for my carefree and jetsetting lifestyle. You think it is easy bragging or mentioning my carefree comings and goings to my friends with infants and kids under 5? I get glares, and sneers. The only parties my friends go to are school functions and petting zoo birthday parties. It isn't all roses for singles and the childless. My gyno asked "what are you waiting for" the last time I was getting my check up. My primary on Thursday said "I am not sure what you are waiting for" you are...then she took a look at her file, "39"
    So it isn't all peonies and passport stamps for me! Being childless I don't want to meet you for brunch at 9am on a sun. I don't want to plan our grown up lunch on your kid's nap time.
    And I don't want to hear "you just don't understand kathleen"........"you don't have kids". Blech

  2. Thanks for the feedback, Kat. Like you said on FB, I think most people feel guilty thinking or saying what I've done here.

    I got no qualms about it, I am not a fan of infants! Yours, mine or any of them. Now once they reach toddlerhood, that's a different story.

    Our newborn has colic, which means she sleeps for 10 minutes at a time broken up by 3 hour intervals of intense crying and screaming. It's maddening, and there's really not much you can do but wait it out!!!! I've got no problem complaining about it to anyone who will listen!

    Blech, indeed.

  3. I take it you can't drop a collicy infant with a babysitter?

  4. I don't think you're supposed to drop infants anywhere. For safety's sake, put them in a Baby Bjorn like the dude in the Hangover.

  5. Funny, this morning I was reading the liner notes from a Symphony Orchestra performance...anyway, there was an article about "the cult of the child", which was partly about how Lewis Carroll was kind of a pedophile, but also talked about how it was only in the 18th century that people stopped "regarding children as imperfect and unenlightened." Writers "set into motion a slow revolution in sentiment by characterizing young people as exemplary beings to be cherished for their primal innocence and authenticity...children came to inhabit a more central position within the family, serving not as menial, marginal figures but as treasured companions to their parents or even as little tyrants who issued rather than obeyed orders." a clip from the last paragraph seems apt:

    Surely a pre-Victorian observer would be shocked at the extent to which we allow children to dictate the terms of family life--by our contemporary belief that "having a baby changes everything." Parents enthuse that they are "so in love" with their children. Moreover if rail-thin models such as Kate Moss are any guide, the physical makeup of the child still constitutes our aesthetic ideal.

    Maybe you could send the rugrats to the coal mines and just say that you're keepin' it old school.

  6. ^ Where's the like button on this thing?
